Leamsi With Luv

Welcome to my website!

Hi, everyone! This is my humble and tiny little corner on the internet. This is a combination of a personal blog and digital garden. I don't claim to know everything and that would be contraproductive, because I just know I know nothing, and that gives me space for growth.

Therefore this is a place where I'll post rambles that may turn into serious exercises of thought which may even turn into full on essays in the future, who knows?

This will be an ever learning, changing, upgrading safe space for my thoughts and ideas. If I am wrong about something, cool, that means I learned something new. If not, then that means I may be doing something right after all. Either way, feel free to explore this place if you want.

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Latest Post.

Did I break the 4th wall?

A dream I had that might not be insane, but the feeling was.

Abstract paint in black and white
Photographer Greg Rosenke, "White and black abstract painting", 2021, via www.unsplash.com

Have you ever had a dream that leaves you unsettled? That turns your stomach inside out? A dream that on the surface, on paper, is not even the weirdest dream you've had, but the feelings that linger after are? Read more...

Recommended video of the Week*:

A video essay regarding critical thinking and the prevalent problem with the lack of media literacy.

*Videos I've watched within the past week up to the next monday. Updated every monday. It doesn't necessarily have to have been uploaded last week. It's about WHEN I watched it.
